Sunday, 19 February 2012

Helping SMASH with some art...

YOUNG people have been putting their creative talents to use in discovering Swindon’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.The history tree art workshops have been run by Swindon Mentoring and Self Help (Smash), which works with vulnerable young people.

A half-term project, part of a year-long scheme, concluded yesterday at the Scrapstore, a voluntary recycling initiative in Westmead. The history tree project sees young people discovering, recording and presenting Swindon’s cultural and social history. They have been working with local artists Gina Dunford and Toby Robson on the tree and other works of art.

Smash manager Rob Chappell said: “The young people have really got hold of this project and made it their own. It’s fantastic."

The event was attended by the Mayor of Swindon, Coun Ray Ballman, and South Swindon MP Robert Buckland.